My hunch was right: the Spoonflower order had arrived! Squee!
These are my portions of the pack. My mother-in-law has three other fabrics too, all of which will become cushion covers care of me.
Top panel: animal friends - baby book by needlebook; Peek a boo! Book by niseemade.
Left panel: wildflower multi charcoal by cjldesigns; birds slate grey by bunni; Blue Wrens by kampai_designs.
Right panel: A walk in the dark woods by zesti; Circus fun for little one! by bora; En route to 'Bora town' by bora.
The left panel are swatches. I'm trying to find a complimentary backing fabric for a quilt I began before Bub was born. Our cousin gave us a quilt pack from Ink & Spindle as a baby shower gift. It occupied me perfectly in those last few days of intense nesting - somewhere I have a picture of me planning the quilt juuust before Bub arrived. I was hoping to source the binding and backing from somewhere different. I haven't had a chance to pull out the quilt front and compare just yet.
The two bora ones are intended for a pram liner. The zesti one is for Bub - a dress at the least, and maybe something else for when she's bigger.
I am terribly excited about these fabrics. They cannot be prewashed fast enough.
I also finally mapped out the construction method for the 1:5 bag. Another way of phrasing it:
"Fold a long edge two fifths of the way from a corner. Sew along that fold so that four fifths are sewn and one faith is hanging. Do the same from the diagonally opposite corner."
Hopefully I can harness the time bub naps tomorrow to wash and press new fabrics and get UFOs out of the way a bit more! :D
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