Sorry... sorry. I know.
I finished the ring stacking toy. It's not perfect but meh good enough. I did not enjoy doing the base. Bub does enjoy playing with it though.
I haven't gotten any further with the bell capsules, although the toys that they're to go in are sewn and awaiting this. My sister suggested I buy a heap of Kinder Surprises and keep the toy container... very sensible and tempting. I could also buy a pack of 30 for a bit over $30, which is a comparable price against the chocolates, per capsule, and also save me having to faff around with teeny toys. Something about the website puts me off though. I'm not sure what... it just took a long time to find a supplier who sold them in batches smaller than "500pc" or "3kg" and they're unfamiliar... I'm so precious.
I have also basted the gifted quilt mentioned here. I ended up getting some rather thing cotton batting and a plain mid dusty green fabric. It's quite a heavy fabric with an open weave (I can't even remember what its called, for shame) but it matches the greens in the front quite well. So far I've done about two thirds of the ditch stitching. It took some adjusting of the tension before the lower thread stopped breaking when sewing at speed, even with a new needle and the bobbin case freshly oiled.
I also mended some pants for a friend, including using the blind-hem foot. It wasn't quite as hidden as I'd have liked, but time and suspecting it wouldn't actually be better without pressing, re pressing, and possibly leaving a ridge there anyway.... I just didn't want to over engineer the whole thing and make it worse. such the optimist.
In other news, Bub has slept through three times now. THREE! (Not in a row.) And I don't mean one of those ridiculous 5-hours-is-a-technical-sleep-through but an actual 8pm-7am sleep. She's 22mo this week and she's slept through the night three times in her life. I'm hoping it's a trend.
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