Apr 18, 2013

D89ish: Slump

Over three days this is about all I've accomplished as far as creative things go.  It is the thing I chose to 'pull out and complete' first, before all other things in my stash. Not especially exciting, and certainly not a thing I enjoy.  It may prove to be quite the speed hump.

You might have noticed that I'd skipped a few days over the Easter holiday break. I've decided to not beat myself up about missing a day here and there - it's meant to be for fun and health after all! But my days have been busy and we've celebrations this weekend too so I shan't make any promises.

There are so many things I'd like to have a go at -  cross stitching one of these quotes; some simple but interesting cushions; these little ninjas - check out my bad pinterest effort below, for a sample of my dream todo list. (Totally just got why I'd like, pinterest.  Right then.   Even as a delicious user.) You'd think I'd be super duper keen to chip away at the ooooooooooh dozen or so things I have either unfinished or unstarted - none of which are listed below.  I think I remember myself saying that the last batch of shopping would be my last for a while....

Omg this little girls' dress from Filcolana

This running stitch scarf...
...this McCalls dress...

...any of these...
...home made apple chips! Of course!

And now I realise my penchant for craft shopping is because it's something I can do while Bub's awake!

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